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Poems and fiction in English by a writer from Finland. International pictures also included. Some facts, too. Occasionally.
Mick, that fabulous and inspirational artist, gave me a marvelous idea! He commented on my new book’s video, saying that the figure (who is not me!) wasn’t dressed for winter.
This made me start a project –Top Fashion Design, even with paint- in my Finnish main blog. I have asked the readers to download the picture of Middle Morbid (my English name for her) and design gorgeous, plain or whatever clothes on that poor, shivering thing using whatever tools and programs.
If my English readers wish to participate in this project, please do! Download and dress Middle Morbid with your own style, let your imagination flow and post into your blog your unique fashion style with a few lines about the story behind the outfit, or you can send the work to me. I intend to make a collage or a video about the outfits, so I ask for your permission to use your work.
I’m going to draw lots after dead line of this project, and one lucky fashion designer shall get a small award from me.
The dead line is on Saturday 12.12. 11.59 PM in Finnish time.
The appalling, horrific and mean November is over. The weather is still rain, rain, rain, but it’s December and after December comes January and then February, March and then it’s April and spring!
Well, that sounded a little bit too optimistic coming from me. Damn, still many months until spring breezes chase the grey skies away.
I survived November thanks to the project Lepis started, do visit the fine Gallery Selätys and be inspired and amazed of the work Finnish bloggers have made together.
BLOGitse, a Finnish woman living in Cairo, Egypt, helped me through November with her inspirational and creative peas. Check them and be delighted! She writes in English.
My own project was to finish my comic book, it’s done. I made an ad for it (not to be shown on TV, it’s too expensive, but just for my own joy).
The first of December opened my Christmas Calendar here.
Towards spring with all our might!
Meet my new book: it’s called Keskiäkäisiä hajatelmia which is impossible to translate into English. But I’ll tell you what you’ll find in the book.
The book contains comics, poems and stories about a woman, who has reached a certain point in her life. She’s not so young anymore, she’s more likely to be hit by lumbago than by the arrow of Amor, and she’s reached the age when she wants desperately to have a seat in the bus. She wonders about her life, the new facts days bring along, and she’s anxious to know why the seats in bars are so high nowadays. She remembers the days when she had ten drinks in the evening and two aspirins the next day, and can’t figure how it is nowadays two drinks and ten aspirins.
It was fun doing this book. I published it myself, like my earlier books, with the help of BoD.
Galleria Selätys was opened in November 2009. Lepis invited co-bloggers to join into a project called How to Survive November. In the project, bloggers were to choose a photo of their own, which then was to circle through all the other bloggers who participated the project, each putting one’s own touch to the photo. Thus the original photos were manipulated by many bloggers.
The results of this interactive project are now to be seen at Galleria Selätys.
The weekly theme for the Finnish PoemThursday was to write a love poem without the word love. I made a poem without words, and since the poem can be read in any language, I publish it also in this blog.
I like to draw comic strips. I’m not a skilled drawer, but that doesn’t matter, I’ll draw anyhow. In my Finnish main blog you can find the category comics. Most of the comics are about this rather middle-aged woman who just doesn’t get some things. She’s figuring for instance how it is possible that in the old days it used to be ten drinks during the night and two aspirins in the morning, and nowadays it’s two drinks a night and ten aspirins the next day. Stuff like that.
Have a nice weekend!
A fellow blogger, Ari, has made a portfolio from my pictures of blogpersonalities I’ve published at SusuPetal ArtGallery.
Thank you Ari, I just love the result!
Check also Ari’s own portfolio!
When I was little, we used to spend some time of those long, hot summers of childhood in Hanko. We made daytrips to the beaches of this southern town, and occasionally we lived in some villa. Hanko is famous for its villas, some private, and some turned into boarding houses for the summer people who invade this otherwise sleepy town.
I’ve been cleaning today, vacuuming, washing, and dusting the grey surfaces. It’s a bore, but it has to be done. Cleaning is quite useless. You do it once and after few days you could do it again. It’s a never ending task. A project that won’t just be finished. Ever.
Although I like the process of making art often more than the final result, the same doesn’t go with cleaning. I like the result much better, and I hope not to start it all over again after some time.
The one, who gives me tools to make cleaning a work of art, shall be highly thanked and blessed. Any suggestions?
My fellow blogger Lepis (check out her marvellous macro photos!) offered me a ride and we drove to Sysmä for a couple of weeks ago. In Sysmä we stayed at a local blogger’s house, and celebrated also the publishing of this blogger’s, Morgan’s, new book.
For the last couple of weeks I’ve been busy finishing the manuscript of my novel. I’m going to, like the other two, self-publish the novel at Books on Demand.
One day she noticed the sky was blue. It happened quite suddenly, she was pushing the wheel chair up a very steep street, she was sweating and panting. She heard the beat of her heart in her ears, bum, bum, bum the heart drummed in frenzy.
-It’s the sun. It makes you warm.
It happens every spring: I crave for colour. I need colour, I must create colour.
is this?
This awakening,
the warmth in my
limbs, the throbbing joy
in the branches of a tree
turning green. Winter sleep
is over, leaves are pushing
their way towards
the sun.
spring? Spring.
My blogger friend, Mick Mather, celebrates his birthday today. I’ve admired his art for a long time (time is so relative in Blogland…), and especially I love his vision of women. Mick treats women in his art with love, care and respect.
Time to hurry,
time to wait.
Time to be in time,
time to be late.
Time is all we have,
time to survive.
If not, it’s time
to say goodbye.
Run, run, run,
catch the first beam
of the sun.
Goodbye ice,
farewell snow,
flow, flow, flow!
The weekly challenge for Moody Monday is spring fever