When I was little, we used to spend some time of those long, hot summers of childhood in Hanko. We made daytrips to the beaches of this southern town, and occasionally we lived in some villa. Hanko is famous for its villas, some private, and some turned into boarding houses for the summer people who invade this otherwise sleepy town.
really nice blog ..keep it up!!!
Got to go there someday! Never been...
Thanks, Rahul.
It's a place worth visiting, Lepis, maybe I'll come and guide you!
Nuo huvilat on kyllä aivan ihania ja niitähän siellä Hangossa piisaa. Tosi kaunis paikka!
Kaunis paikka, Elegia, mutta onneksi myös rupisuutta löytyi.
Not difficult to understand that you appreciated it ... and still do I suppose:
It seemed like a paradise, Peter, and I believe it still is.
yeah true..nostalgic moments....
i really miss my native!!:(
Never been there. One of my colleagues moved there after retiring.
Broca, nostalgia is important.
Liisa, I think Hanko is a perfect place when retired if one seeks for peace.
I remember those villas too
Seeing them from the sea
Passing by them
Every year
Something to remember
I've never seen those from the sea, chrome3d.
Did the memories hold up while you were there, Susu?
Mick, the beach was smaller, the rocks also, but the sky was as blue as before and the warm feeling in the heart felt the same.
when i was a kid, lived in a village nearby a jungle and can't recall
did too many things
once i saw a tiger LOL
once chased by the python ... LOL
Oh dear, Azer, that sounds like a dangerous childhood!
Barfota sprang den magra morkhariga flickan langs stranden. Hon hade fatt syn pa nagot intressant langre bort och ville fort komma narmare for att se vad det verkligen var. En stor snacka. Hon tog upp snackan och lyfte den mot sitt ora. Vad horde hon? Inte endast havets brus utan en hel hop aventyr som snackan berattade for henne. Hon satte undan aventyren i sitt minne. Hon skulle beratta dem senare, da hon vuxit upp.
En vacker berättelse, Helene, du kan.
Äventyren är bra att minnas, barndomet är ett stor äventyr.
I fully understand why you have fond memories of Hanko. Very charming.
Hi, Prospero, it is a charming, little town.
sweet memories ...
Some memories are, Ellen.
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