One day she noticed the sky was blue. It happened quite suddenly, she was pushing the wheel chair up a very steep street, she was sweating and panting. She heard the beat of her heart in her ears, bum, bum, bum the heart drummed in frenzy.
-Are you angry? You don’t say anything.
-No, I’m hot, she said. -It’s heavy to push uphill.
-It’s the sun. It makes you warm.
Finally they reached the top of the street, and she stopped to take a breath. She put the wheel chair’s brakes on, closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, se saw the blue sky. It was amazingly clear, almost like a blue shelter arching way up high. She felt dizzy, and she grasped the handles of the wheel chair.
-What is it? Are you all right?
-I’m fine, she answered. –I’m just so happy to see the blue sky. So, so happy.
The winter had been long.
Winter is veeery long in wheels... And muutenkin.
Haa, Boys On Wheels. Sähköpyörätuolia ei tarvi työntää.
Can't beat a blue sky for lifting the spirits... x
That's true, Jinksy.
Where what, Lepis????
Why does blue stand for nostalgia? A blue sky is something much nicer!
Maybe blue skies belong to the summers of childhood, therefore they're nostalgic, HPY?
What a day! Everything here is bright and blue and sunny and warm too! Or, am I looking through nostalgic eyes?
Maybe, but it's also true
that the sky is blue
and the sun is shining, Mick!
Nothing but blue skies looking at me
Nothing but blue skies do I see
Glad I put the brakes on
Anybody got water?
My mouth is dry
Snow is good
Oh, it's gone
David, that was fun!
No need to make
water out of
snow, the
So, the sky is blue ... and soon the ground is green!
Nice "game" between you and SparkleMirror!
It's fun to play with words, Peter.
Yes, it's beginning to be green also in Helsinki, just now it's 17 degrees Celsius!
There always comes a day when it hits you in the head. It´s time to shake off the winter jacket.
It was worthwhile for her to try and reach a higher place whatever it took...
Yes, it's time, chrome3d, a little lighter to walk on.
It took a lot, and there are still hills to climb, but the sun helps, Liisa.
i didn't get the idea until i read elegia's comment
"winter is very long in wheels"
got it :-)
Yes, it is long, Azer.
well, I guess you have long winters over there ... beautiful piece!
Too long, Ellen 5-6 months of darkness, cold and anxiety. For those who don't like winter, like me.
just started a new blog on music, writing music, music and animation programming and anything in between at
your comments are highly appeciated.
Cool, a new blog, Azer, I'll have a look!
Hi Susu! TGIF and a holiday here!!
You should move to a country like Portugal... definitely!! ;))
Have a great and long sunny weekend (like the one we're having here)...
Yes, I should move somewhere warm, Gil!
little things like this do matter!!...
happy weekend!
Have a nice weekend you too, Broca.
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