Wednesday, 10 January 2007

The red flower

HPY challenged her readers to take a photo of the first flower of the year.
I don’t take photos of flowers. Don’t ask me why. I just don’t.

Besides, it’s winter up here in the north and although we have no snow in Helsinki, nothing is growing.
Besides despair.
The earth is bare and raw, the wind chilly.

The flower is red like a she-devil, full of passion and strength, ready to survive.
In my painting.


hpy said...

If this blog will be as good as those SusuPetal writes and paints in Finnish (and I'm sure it will), I strongly recommend it.

SusuPetal said...

Well, HPY, I'm sure that won't happen, because this blog is in English which isn't my native language. I just wanted to keep up my practise on English, that's why I created this blog.
But thanks anyway:)

isopeikko said...

Multiblogger, that's your second name :)

I wonder how you are able to create so much content as you do. However, best of luck.

SusuPetal said...

Luckily not a multipersonality, Isopeikko:)

I'm a fast writer and some of my stuff is old, written some years ago, especially some longer stories I've published in SusuPetal-blog in Finnish. The poems and the short stories are new, photos and paintings too.
The poems in RunoSaari are mostly old stuff, I've just refreshened them a little.

Well, I am lucky, because I love to write and blogs make it possible for me!

Salka said...

Minäkin odotan innokkaasti tämän plokin sisältöä, uskon vakaasti että taso on yhtä laadukas kuin muissa plokeissasi! Vaikka en uskallakaan itse kommentoida englannin kielellä niin ymmärrän kyllä sun tekstit sekä muiden kommentit.

SusuPetal said...

Hei, Salka. Tänne voi ihan hyvin kommentoida suomeksi, ei tämä ole mikään kielikoe:) Haluan vaan pitää yllä jonkinlaista englannin kielen taitoa ja kun tuota englannin kielen materiaalia on, niin parempi laittaa se eri blogiin eli tänne.