Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Too cold

It’s too cold to write. The temperature is 20 degrees below zero and the north wind is blowing painfully. My words are surrounded with ice, my thoughts are freezing. I long for the golden sun and the warmth of the lazy, sunny days of summer.

I don’t want to write. This happens seldom. Words make me shiver and all I want to do is to crouch under the blanket and sleep and maybe dream about nothing.

I don’t understand people who enjoy winter, who find pleasure in skiing, skating and walking in the crisp wind. But I know they are lucky and I envy them. They will survive the winters yet to come, while I, year after year become more aware of the fact that to be able to live in a relatively sane state of mind, I must do something to my dislike of winter.

Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Many scientists think that time is on your side. So, just sit back and wait.

Anonymous said...

Tis 20 sam-thinf, is it Fahren scheiss oder Richters?
Suggestionz? Self-suggestioZ, eh. Or kill it - or kill yur selves & bookshelfs too.
If yu wanna get rid af sam-think, always KILL it!

SusuPetal said...

That's good to know that at least one thing is on my side. Blessed time! Hundred years and so helps my anxiety.
Yes, I'll sit and wait, Remf(pray tell, where does this lovely nic of yours come from? Is it "really empathic mother fucker" or what?)

Reiska, killing is a way to solve things, that's true(it must be the truth because you say so), but couldn't I just move some where south...?

Anonymous said...

If you'll find some way to change your mind about winter, please share with us how you did it! The information would be really useful.

I was so happy as it seemed the winter is not going to come at all this year. But it did came :(

SusuPetal said...

I was too very happy for this winter before the snow came, and the world turned into a cold and icy place!
I promise to tell you, if I manage to change my opinion of winter -although I think I never will start even to tolerate winter.
I'm a winter pessimist.

Anonymous said...

"really empathic mother fucker"... How vulgar can you get!

The name Remf comes from The Holy Bible, Old Testament. I am sure you are familiar with this text from Malachi, Chapter one:

"But cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock a male, and voweth, and sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, saith the Lord of hosts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen."

The name that was "dreadful among the heathen", was of course Remf. But it was omitted by mistake when The Bible was written down in Cyprus 102 A.D. - the clerk who was supposed to do the writing was so drunk that he did not hear it properly so he just skipped it – alas, it is no more there for us to read.

SusuPetal said...

How vulgar can I get? Do you really want to know...

Well, that was a bad guess, I should have guessed that the origins of your nic are hidden in the Bible. It's obvious.
Oh bugger that drunken clerk! Such is the power of spirits that the names are not written, scarsely spoken!

And now I know, but does the knowledge make me any wiser? No...I still do not know what to do with winter.

hpy said...

"They" have promised us snow for today. I hope it won't come. But February is supposed to be the coldest month of the year.

SusuPetal said...

Do you have often snow in February, HPY, or is this exceptional?
Yes, after February there comes March and everything looks brighter again.

hogrelius said...

Be a bear and sleep the whole winter!!

SusuPetal said...

That is a good idea, but a little difficult to make come true!

I have always envied Moomin by Tove Jansson, they sleep all winter through -the only suitable way to spend winter up here in north:))

hpy said...

Sometimes we have snow in March. But it rarely lasts a long time. Last winter was colder than this one, with more snow. I think it lasted a fortnight around New year, then came back later, but not for such a long time.
This year winter has been stormy and grey. No snow today either. At least not by the Channel where I live.
The coldest I've experienced here is about -15°, the coldest I met in Paris was +8° in my kitchen. (Much colder outside.)

SusuPetal said...

To be cold in Paris sounds so much more elegant than to freeze in Helsinki:)
But it's only make belive.
-15 is pretty much.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but in Paris we'd still have Helsinki, always will...

SusuPetal said...

Hahhah, I'm afraid we'd have it...
oh, but the thought is beautiful though and Helsinki could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship...or the beginning of an eternal ice age...