HPY challenged me into something, but I must pardon my French, didn’t understand much. I presume that I should tell something about my peculiarities, was it so, HPY?
I like to be quiet. That’s sometimes difficult, especially at work, because I speak for living. At home it is also a bit odd, because I don’t live alone.
I like to travel, but I don’t want to leave home.
I love to sleep, could do that always.
I like musicals and hard boiled detectives.
I’m not a social drinker, if I drink something.
I don’t want a pet, never have wanted.
Well, I’m not odd at any rate. There are much weirder people than me. Or maybe not. Who am I to tell? The older I get the better I realize that the world is neither black nor white. The world is made of different shades of grey.
The greyness demands light to glisten, to live and to love. On Sunday I’ll fly towards light.