Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Season Greetings From Snowy Helsinki!


Trotter said...

Hi Susu! Hope you are having a great season! Sorry for the absence, but 2012 was definitely a difficult year here in Portugal, and even worse for me...
Wish you a very Happy 2013, and enjoy Grenada in Blogtrotter Two!

hpy said...

Meilla on satanut aivan yhta paljon, mutta vetta.

SusuPetal said...

Hi Gil, hope the year 2013 is going to be more joyful to you!

Täällä sataa parhaillaan vettä, tai oikeastaan jotain jäätävää tihkua. Syksyllä tuli vettä ja paljon. Ylipäänsä on satanut jotain jo monta kuukautta, hmmm, ärsyttävää, Hélène.

Mick Mather said...

Hey! Thus looks just like what's outside my window!

SusuPetal said...

Mick, it has now rained for two days...water! Luckily I've got fever, it's impossible to walk out there. Wet and slippery, dangerous.