Saturday, 31 March 2012

For Your Eyes Only

Since some of my dear Blogger friends haven't been able to leave their comments into my WordPress-blogs, I'll post some of my photos and art here. Today is the time for portraits. Hope you enjoy.

Please click to get a larger look.


PeterParis said...

Pure art! Bravo!!!

Mick said...

Our beautiful, Susu! :)

SusuPetal said...

Peter, you're so kind, thank you.

Mick, blushing...although I'm not in every photo ;)

mf said...

Lovely works. Many styles and expressions.

SusuPetal said...

Thank you, Maria.

kaari3 said...

Portraits are hard, it's hard to capture the single moment of expression that speaks to you. And to us. You do it so gently even in your dark portraits. The pictures talk. I'm an admirer way back when.

SuviAnniina said...

Hienoja kuvia/käsittelyjä. Kolmas erityisesti puhuttelee.

SusuPetal said...

Thanks, Irma, for you kind words.

SuviAnniina, tuli näitä tehtyä, nyt on ollut pitkä taukoa, ehkä taas joku päivä?