I know what it's like to live in Never Never Land.
You are never happy.
You are never feeling good.
You are never safe, the demons of the your never leave you alone.
I know what it is like to live in Never Never Land.
The land never ends, not until your life does.
I suspect this is a place one thinks of when there's been too much winter, too much snow, too much time inside. On the brighter side, spring is on the way. :|
If it would be so, it would be a very, very sad land. But I don't believe life would end there. An eternal life would be h-e-double- hockey-sticks. Ditto, Mick.
Mick, winter doesn't help, but I also know that even in the summer, depression can be so hard, that you don't remember ever seeing the sun.
It's a sad land, I've lost many friends to it, Irma.
Minäkin menetin rakkaan ystäväni vuosia vuosia sitten. Silloin en itse masennuksesta tiennyt mitään. Vuosia pohdin, olisinko voinut tehdä jotain, auttaa jotenkin...
Could I help you... somehow...
Kiirepakolainen, toisen auttaminen on vaikeaa. Joskus se voi olla hyvä juttu, esim. käytännön asioiden autamisessa. Joskus se voi olla liikaa, psyykkisesti kuormittavaa.
I hope there is a right to emigrate from this Never Never Land!
I hope so too, Peter, but I'm not sure.
Consider changing these eyes to your profle; I like them, they are looking into one direction, easier to see the horizon and the way into beautiful light of the day <3
I've had my profile photo for almost seven years and I'm attached to it, Irma, and people are used to me with four eyes ;)
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