I’ve been taking singing lessons now for almost two years. Maybe you remember my teacher saying “how low do you get…” when I started my lessons.
It’s still the same. My voice belongs to the smoky clubs and there’s no harm if the audience has had a drink or two.
Preferably more.
I’m used to my voice, I’ve had it always, and it doesn’t amaze me to reach and hit the low-pitched range. My teacher just can’t stop wondering how much I’ve been smoking and drinking to get my voice as it is.
I don’t tell her everything. She’s quite young and I like her.
Everyone can’t be a soprano, I say to her. Seriously, do I even look like a soprano, or even an alto, honestly? She stares at me and shakes her head.
I’m glad she doesn’t say I look like her mom.
Maybe her mother doesn’t smoke and drink. Yes, it’s so.
She’s such a well-bred girl.
Do you smoke???? I think I have a low voice too. But I haven't ever taken a singing lessons, I'm too shy for that. And I can't sing. It would be nice to hear you singing, Susu. At least you should play more piano!
Well, I don't tell you either everything, Elegia :)
But yes, I should play the piano more, my skills have rusted.
Believe me, it wouldn't be a thrill to hear me sing...
Naisilta usein udellaan, kuinka korkealta he laulavat, mutta miksei kukaan kysy, kuinka matalalle he pääsevät?
Laulaminen on hieno taito. On hienoa myös pysyä nuotissa. Minulle se on aika vaikeaa. En myöskään pääse kovin korkealle enkä kovin matalalle.
Hienoa, että sinä pääset matalalle. :)
Muistelen myös kuulleeni, että laulava ihminen ei ole menettänyt toivoaan paremmasta huomisesta.
I sang Ladies Barbershop (Baritone) for years and would have loved to sing with a deep, rich voice like yours - they are all too scarce!
Laulaminen vaatii voimia, Celia, joskus ei saa ääntäkään kuulumaan, kun pala kuristaa kurkkua. Kun syntyy ääni, tuntuu hyvältä.
And I'd love to hear your Barbershop Ladies sing, Jinksy!
Why would you want a higher pitched voice??
I personally love harsh voices, those that seem to have been drinking and smoking a whole life ... much more than the higher pitched ones!! Besides, singing is sooo liberating, you get out of your system all that is bothering, your lungs expell all the bad air ... is sort of being free and flying ....
Is that you with that red hair?:))))
Yes, that's me with the red hair, lost in the city. Not exactly look-a-like, though.
Singing is therapeutic, it touches feelings deep down inside.
I'm satisfied with my low voice, my teacher just wants to broad my range.
I see your mouth is wide open but I can't hear any singing! :O
smoke to smoothen ur vocal cords!!:P
Well, aren't you lucky, Mick!
I don't know if that works so, Brocasarea.
I think I would like to hear you singing. I don't like the too high voices that much.
Your portrait is fairly good, but I don't remember you being a redhead.
I was a redhead, still am, HPY! Maybe it was the wine...
My voice is probably not half as low as yours but lately I've been happy to notice that it has become lower. Feeling more adult now... ;) Years, kilos, experience, and too little sleep - that's my secret.
Jl, you have great ways of getting low :)
But enough sleep, that's important.
i can't really sing but i sing anyway
That's good, enjoy, Azer!
e we should make a duo with our smoking voices? :-)
Maybe, Peter!
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