Sunday, 2 December 2012

Came Whiteness

Came last day of November.
North wind killed that misty grayness hanging in the air.
Whiteness, whiteness everywhere.
Silence of December.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Nothing Sensible Here

October was fabulous. My art exhibition showed me that I can still dream, I have hopes.

I saw a lot of people during October, had a really social life, unfamiliar to this hermit, and I've spent November cherishing still life.

I did publish my seventh book, a collection of short stories, The Portrait Of The Clown, this week, though, but writing is very silent doing.

To cheer you up and to warn you from not doing the same (unless you're able to cope with horrible noise)...

Thursday, 11 October 2012

My Art Exhibition

my friend Johanna

It’s done! The opening of my first ever art exhibition was last week and now I’m dead tired. Pleased, happy, also.

I had an exhibition diary in my Finnish blog, there I wrote about the misery, flow, uncertainty, despair and utter joy, all those feelings that overwhelmed me during the preparations of the exhibition. It was, and still is, quite a process!

The exhibition is called Not Yesterday. Not Tomorrow. Now.
It contains of two parts: Women of Rose Valley, sixteen paintings done with acrylics and mixed media. The other part includes ten collages and its name is Collage Crazy. I used a lot of recycled material in these collages. Also most of the frames were bought from flea markets and such places, I painted and pimped them up.

My dear friend Johanna helped me with framing and putting up the paintings. She was indispensable. She’s a real artist and you can enjoy her paintings looking here. Also all my other friends and all the commentators in my blogs helped me to make this dream of mine come true. 

The opening was a fun occasion. Almost thirty people came and what I heard, people seemed to enjoy themselves.

The exhibition is in Mellunmäki, a suburb in Helsinki, not a central place, but the gallery was free of charge. I’d never have so much money that I could rent space for my paintings. The exhibition is open 2-30.10.2012 from Monday to Friday 10-18.

I’m happy that I succeeded and had the strength for fulfill this exhibition. It was a dream for me. I know what it’s like to live without dreams, without hope, without being able to see into the future. I've had many black years. Now, the colors are different. Now.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

So Exciting!

I’m living quite exciting times, I’m preparing my first art exhibition that’ll take place in October. Crazy! Well, that’s what I am.

It’s going to be a presentation of some 25 paintings and collages. I love to paint and such, and I hate frame work. I’m so clumsy when it comes to be handy…luckily one of my friends, a gifted and true artist, has promised to rescue me offering her help with framing. It’s wonderful to have such friends.

So I’ll be quite busy this September. It feels good. This year has mostly been a year of anxiety and depression, and I’ve been a hermit with no flow or inspiration. Now I feel different.

Well, I must be going…see ya! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Monday, 6 August 2012

Look At Me, I'm Hundred...

not a day younger
not a moment older

Monday, 16 July 2012

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

My Left Hand

I've been painting with my left hand (I'm right-handed). It has been quite interesting. Look and read more about it here.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

For Your Eyes Only

Since some of my dear Blogger friends haven't been able to leave their comments into my WordPress-blogs, I'll post some of my photos and art here. Today is the time for portraits. Hope you enjoy.

Please click to get a larger look.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Outside Inside

When it looks outside like this, it's better to stay inside and warm oneself in the colors of a tulip.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Baldy And Frizzy 3

click drawings to view bigger

Monday, 27 February 2012

Never Never Land

I know what it's like to live in Never Never Land.
You are never happy.
You are never feeling good.

You are never safe, the demons of the your never leave you alone.

I know what it is like to live in Never Never Land.
The land never ends, not until your life does.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Plenty Of...

Do you want to have some?

Sunday, 29 January 2012

A New Day

Words don’t come easy. Better to toy with images. Painting endless amounts of canvases, manipulating photos.

Yesterday I looked like this.

Today is a new day.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Friday, 6 January 2012

Introducing Baldy And Frizzy

I've started to draw a new comics, in Finnish, and I've posted these strips in my Finnish blog. Well, then I thought that I could as well translate speech bubbles into English. So, let me introduce you: Baldy and Frizzy. Hope you enjoy their company.